Monday, July 2, 2012

My shit week in review.

     This past week has been nothing if not a whirlwind of activity. If you've ready any of my posts, you might have guessed that I'm super freaked out about high school, and meeting new people, and making friends, and that last week I was introduced to a bunch of my teachers and classmates. I was really nervous, but I honestly expected to make a few friends on the first day, and a few more on the next. I was actually fairly confident (even if that didn't come through on my posts) that the number of people I knew and liked would grow exponentially after that first day. I was excited, and yes, a bit afraid. But in the end, I expected nothing less than a decent-sized group of friends by Friday afternoon.
     Here's how I was wrong. 
     Let me start with the subway commute, one of many reasons I really happy with my new school (and its location). That first day, I rode with my dad and a preschool friend (yes, I know. Preschool friends are generally insignificant by the time you turn five, much less a month after you turned fourteen--but Isabel's cool) and that preschool friend's mom. I was flipping out, to say the least, fidgeting and bouncing up and down on my seat. Isabel, who is much calmer than I am, was not so worried (she was equally excited though). 
     After my dad disappeared, off to work, and Isabel's mom had left, too, Isabel and I found some seats at the back of the school's cafeteria. I was enthralled by the noisy people around me, most of whom had gone to the same middle school and elementary school and had, as such, known each other for going-on nine years. I didn't know anybody, except for Isabel and her friend Claire (Danyel wasn't there that day, and Kennedy would be attending the next summer bridge session) and nobody was making a conscious effort, at all, to talk to anybody except for those people that they already knew. 
     This is the moment that I start to actually worry if I'll be shut out of most social high school goings-on and wonder if I'll have any friends at all. There's Isabel, who's a genuinely nice person, but she already has a few people she knows. She doesn't need to stick with me--why would she? She hardly knows me and there's nothing exactly exciting about me. Sure, I'm kind of noisy, but that's not a reason to be my friend.
     I'm going to fastforward through most everything, so as not to bore you. My first impression of my classmates was essentially correct. Kids who'd gone to the same middle school stuck with each other, with the exception of myself and Isabel--who, mercifully, did not grow weary of my presence and is shaping up to be a really great and close friend--and, with a few rare exceptions, deigned not to talk to anyone else. I was stranded, with Isabel, the only person I'd really talked to, and a boy named Jack who I think is mildly autistic and gets laughed at, and this irritatingly smart and organized girl named Nina (who's a twin.) Jack and Nina aren't people I'd be friends with, usually, not that they aren't perfectly nice people.
     More shit things that happened: I proceeded to waste a lot of money on subway cards, and my camera was stolen. Also, next to nobody spoke to me or Isabel. There was Sophie and Becca and a few other people, but I don't think I've made any lasting friends, except for Isabel, who I think is super awesome.
     So that's my week in review. It wasn't that awesome, but I highlighted for you a few key shit moments that you should know about if you want to keep up with what's going on in my life (which you probably don't, because if it's like this all of the time then it'll be downright depressing.) On a lighter note, I just ate peach pie with ice cream and I'm going to camp in two weeks. Oh, the excitement! At least there I know I'll make friends, and reunite with some old ones.

P.S. I'm thinking about actually writing some serious and/or meaningful posts in the future. This "vlog" thing is fun, but there are other things worth talking about. That are more important. And, even though that may not be evident, I'm actually fairly politically and current-events-ly savvy. So if you see a surprisingly thoughtful post, you have been forewarned. 

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