Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lazy Thursday--time for a summer bucket list!

Okay, I know I said that I had a schedule. I even set up an online calendar. Then I stayed up till four o'clock in the morning watching Grey's Anatomy, and when I finally fell asleep, I didn't wake up for another nine hours. Past noon! An all-time record for me, a girl who admittedly likes being lazy. I've actually only been up for about an hour and a half at this point--and it's 3:42. 3:42! 
     Since I've got nothing better to do--my gardening plans have been postponed till the weekend, I don't know if I mentioned that last post--I'm going to start a bucket list of everything I hope to do this summer. Bucket lists are fun, but I always wonder if I'll actually ever get to do all of this stuff. On a broader spectrum, "life" bucket lists--not just "summer" bucket lists--make me sad. I want to experience and see so much in my life. That's part of the reason why the movie Eat Pray Love makes me so sad. Her big travel experience is to three countries. I want to see the world! 
     Okay, that was definitely an unrelated tangent. Getting back to my main point--I think it's time for me to set some summer goals. I just don't know exactly where to start. These won't be in order--bear with me, and perhaps garner some inspiration for your own Summer 2012 bucket list (if you can be inspired by the goals of a 14-year-old girl.)
Bike a lot.  Not a very specific goal, but the part of my body I most despise are my legs--biking will be good for me, especially because I hate running. Biking is fun--you can go further and faster, and there are opportunities to coast. It's an easier ride, but because I love biking so much, I think I'll get as much out of it as if I had decided to train for a marathon.
Edit, publish, and distribute my novella. This past semester in school, my media teacher (if you remember from my introductory post, I was enrolled in an intensive humanities program at my middle school) assigned a three-month-long project, entirely open-ended (do whatever you want, using any media you like.) I, like many of my classmates, chose to write a book. I, unlike many of my classmates (and I'm aware that I'm about to sound like a total asshole) got full marks for my project. Because of its personal relevance to my family, my mom wants me to edit it and distribute it to my friends and family, a project I'm glad to tackle this summer. 
Redo my room. My room has been arranged the same way for a decade, with pretty much the same furniture and things in it. It's time for some change. I've drawn up a rough blueprint of how I want things to change (no measurements yet, so this is purely speculation and guesswork.) I'm making lists and investigating cheaper furniture options, as well as homes for some the many stupid books that I own (I don't mean that all books are stupid--I'm just saying that I don't exactly want to keep my Pretty Little Liars bookset on my new shelves.) I've started, and I don't want to turn back now.
Go to a concert. If you needed any clarification, I did not mean a classical music concert (already sat through one in May...nice, but I was very sleepy at the end.) I mean a Beatles-type concert, if they were still alive. If I liked All Time Low, that would be the type of concert I mean. If The Shins were in my hometown or anyplace near it, that would be the concert of my dreams. Let me revise this, though--purchasing or saving money to purchase concert tickets is enough to fulfill this bullet of my bucket list. 
- Tackle my gardening projects head-on. I know I've talked pretty much endlessly about my gardening projects, but they're super exciting for me...and I'd like to actually complete them. That means keeping my herb garden alive and well, planting the flower box out front with impatiens, convincing my parents to buy one of my bedroom windows a flower box, maintaining that one, too, setting up some pots on the patio with pretty flowers, doing something with our mess of a front yard, and more, if possible. If all of the stuff I mentioned a second ago is possible, I'll thank my lucky stars or whatever.
- Learn how to knit. And sew. And stuff like that. Yes, I am one of those girls who learned how to kind-of-sort-of knit when she was 5 and then eventually (almost immediately, actually) totally forgot about it. And now I want to make myself a scarf! So dammit, I will!
That's it for right now. Rest assured, I'll be adding quite a few more bullet points to this list as I go along. I'll keep you updated on the progress or lack of it on each of these projects. For right now, though, time to clean my room for my weekend-long sleepover with my best friend! Byebye!

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